15 Cannabis Facts

  1. It has anti-inflammatory properties

Humans already having endocannabinoids being produced naturally in the body. Similar proteins that are from cannabinoids can act as a similar aid in the system to help create anti-inflammatory effects.

  1. Cannabis has over hundreds of cannabinoids

The plant has multiplied in different combinations and medicated effects. So if you don’t smoke that much, try to remember what strains you like to tell your local budtender. Don’t forget some weed is a better fit for you than others. Just like medications, they all don’t work the same way!

4. Anxiety reliever

Cannabis is producing the anti-inflammatory response in the system. Which aids in getting rid of our anxiety. This topic has been studied but not thoroughly enough to truly understand the complexities of this drug. What we do know is that stress causes a shortage of endocannabinoids in our system which is solved by smoking to help bring those numbers back up. So iso-facto, smoke more weed your likely a lot less stressed and pretty chill(most of the time).

5. Pain Reliever 

Working with your system, cannabis proteins help block off the inflammatory response in the body making you calm down overall. Inflammation is the root of all disease. That’s a solid fact to health.

6. Mother’s Milk

Cannabinoids naturally occur in mother’s breast milk to help encourage growth. As stated before, we already have a similar system in our body as cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. Which helps stimulate the baby’s ability to thrive. In small amounts, it encourages immune and hunger response.

7. Promotes good sleep

Yes smoke enough and you’ll sleep like a baby while it medicates your body

8. Gives you the munchies (increases appetite) 

After consuming marijuana, it tricks your brain into thinking you’re hungry. If you are looking to stay away from the munchies, try something like a Sativa. If you are looking to stimulate your appetite, try an Indica. Always remember these results vary from person to person. Why does this happen? Weed effects some people’s body chemistry differently than most. When they smoke any weed they get hungry. So know your balance and enjoy it!

9. You can’t overdose on it.

To overdose on weed, you’d need to smoke something like a hundred thousand pounds of weed in an hour to die from it. That’s why it’s usually better to be addicted to cannabis than any other recreational drug you can find. We can safely say we give it two thumbs up!

10. It makes you happy

Consuming cannabis boosts your levels of the hormone called dopamine, which is responsible for happiness, food, and sexual activity.

11. It has been used for thousands of years

This plant can be used for pretty much anything. It can be eaten, smoked, used for clothes, and building materials. Basically, if you had enough weed you could almost build a house and all the materials in it. Yes, that is one of the reasons the hemp plant is being used frequently and is becoming a new industry standard for companies as well as communities across the world. The United States is decades behind this wave due to it being illegal for so many years.

12. It helps treat Parkinson’s Disease

The cannabis plant has been shown to block some of the symptoms of this disease. With cannabis using our neurotransmitters as an agent to slow down the progression of this sucky disease, and it’s symptoms temporarily. It helps but, it does not completely make it go away. There should be more research to help people suffering from this, and as well as many other debilitating diseases.

13. Cannabis can help make more oxygen than trees

Cannabis could be the key factor in helping slow global warming for our future generations. For example, if you plant an acre of lemon trees it will produce more oxygen than cannabis hemp trees when fully grown; however, they don’t grow as fast as the hemp plant. By the time you have a full-grown regular acre of lemon trees, you will have a forest of hemp trees. That can produce more for the community than an acre of regular trees. We are not knocking lemons because we love and need them truly, but if you are looking to produce sustainability for our planet quicker hemp is the way to go.

14. Cannabis produces more oil than any other crop plant

Which can be used for almost any form of use. Such as pain relievers, body washes, alternative fuels, and so much more!

15. Cannabis is less addictive than most drugs

Yeah, you heard right. Most smokers already know this but cannabis is the least likely to get you addicted compared to most if not all recreational drugs. Only about 11 percent of people that try cannabis become addicted after the first time. Compared to other drugs such as cocaine and the even notorious heroin which are likely to get you addicted after the first try. So choose wisely people, it can now days mean life or death.

If you or a family are suffering from drug addiction. It is never too late to get help.

National Drug Hotline

Website: http://drughelpline.org/

Phone Number: 1-844-289-0879


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Cannabis Dosing for Beginners